We wanted to show our appreciation to you with our exclusive rewards program. By creating an account, you'll earn Pacts for activities on our site, like referrals and purchases. You can use the Pacts to purchase Contracts which come in a various discounts or special items not available on our site, so the more Pacts you collect the more Contracts you can Sign!
Registration is completely free of charge and will be obtained by signing up through our website at www.satanme.com
In addition to the points earned through purchase transactions (made on the Website), Members will be able to obtain extra points to try to reach the subsequent level, also through various specific activities (e.g., social network interactions, participation in events and/or programs organized by Satanme) that may be organized by Satanme according to our business calendar all year round or only for limited periods. These will in any case be appropriately communicated to the public through publication in the Website and/or personal notifications through the communication channels.