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An Example: The Talisman and its purpose

by Staff 14 Nov 2024

Alright, let’s set the scene. It was one of those nights where you find yourself endlessly scrolling through the internet, just bored enough to be dangerous with a credit card. You know the vibe. I’d already gone down the rabbit hole of bizarre online stores when I stumbled across — yes, you read that right. Part of me was like, “This is a little scary, back away slowly,” but the other part, the part that impulse-buys vintage Ouija boards and wears black nail polish for fun, was like, “This is where I was meant to be.”

So, there I was, eyes glued to the screen, sipping cold coffee that had long passed its prime (because priorities), when I saw it: a sleek, black, Baphomet medallion. The product description was full of dramatic flair—stuff like, “Embrace your power, harness the night, blah blah.” Normally, I’d laugh, but something about it made me pause. It wasn’t just jewelry; it felt like a promise.

Fast forward a week later, and I’m awkwardly juggling my keys, phone, and the midnight black package that just got dropped on my doorstep. Opening it felt almost ceremonial, like unwrapping an ancient artifact (minus the whole ancient artifact thing and more packaging). The medallion was heavier than I expected, with a glossy obsidian sheen that made me feel like I’d just swiped it from a gothic magician's treasure chest.

The moment I put it on, I could’ve sworn my room got quieter. Like, you know that silence that’s not really silence, but feels loaded, almost vibrating? Yeah, that. I stared at myself in the mirror, half-expecting to see my eyes turn blood red or a mysterious cloak appear out of nowhere (they didn’t, unfortunately). But I did feel something—like a subtle buzz of confidence, the kind that makes you say, “Yes, I can wear the oversized loud-colored jacket and pull it off.”

The next day, I wore it under my shirt at work. No one knew it was there, but I felt like I had a tiny, dark secret that made mundane tasks a little more bearable. The usual dull morning meeting? Not today, I nodded along like I had the answers to questions no one dared to ask. My boss even threw a, “Good point!” my way when I mumbled something vaguely intelligent. I’m telling you, the medallion worked like a charm—or at least like a placebo, but sometimes, that’s all you need.

Later, a friend noticed it peeking out from my collar and raised an eyebrow, “What’s that? Some kind of goth phase thing?” I smirked, because honestly, that’s exactly what I expected someone to say. “Nah,” I replied, pushing it back down, “just embracing my inner-self.” We laughed, but when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a shop window, I swear my eyes had this extra glint. The medallion wasn’t magical (probably), but it was making me feel a little more fearless, a little more like I could tackle whatever the world threw at me.

Was it worth the adventure on and the side-eye from the strangers on the walk home who definitely saw the glint in my eyes? Absolutely. It’s become a kind of talisman for me, a reminder that confidence is more about how you choose to show up with something you treasure around your neck.

So yeah, if you ever find yourself with an itch to buy something that’s equal parts beautiful and empowering, I highly recommend browsing the spooky corners of the internet. Who knows? You might just find your own little slice of dark magic, delivered straight to your doorstep. Just don’t blame me if your next coffee date involves explaining why you’re wearing a Satanic medallion with a grin that says, Yeah, I’m awesome like that. Deal with it. 😈

Find Satanme's Collection of Talismans >>>
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